Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist - Edward Elric
Misao Hoh


Naruto - Hyuuga Neji
Misao Hoh


- Bleach -
Misao as Kuchiki Rukia

Rukia with her Zanpakuto - Sode no Shirayuki

Shinigami Ichigo & student Rukia

Shinigami Ichigo & student Rukia


1st Game character cosplay <戦国 BASARA>
Xiaoyuer as Sanada Yukimura (真田幸村)
Seiyume as
Uesugi Kenshin (上杉謙信)

all photos taken at GACC 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Black & White

Took this shoot after I move over to a frend's house, that time my MSD still NEW... Around 2 month and the most scarry thing is... he actully don't have eyeball here.. AHHAHAHAHA!!

Can't tell right? because he's all black so the socket of the eyes also can't be seen clearly =D

Bounded Memories

This set of Photos are taken after mizuki's face up done. I like it alot but most of the picture turn out kindda blur. But still, it's worth it cos I did spend alot of ENERGY to pose them. That time i found out Mizuki is kindda hard to pose due to his weight.

Strightly I feel that Shirota is more easy for pose. o_O

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Street Basket - Shirota

Don't have much picture from this set of picture but this set of beautiful cloths are from Sunny at Taobao. shopping there is wonderful~ =D

Shirota @ beach side